Meta figured out what you do

when you’re upset… and made it smarter.

Now, your impulsive WhatsApp habits turn into real time off.

Okay, but why is removing your profile picture basically the digital version of slamming a door?

And why does it always feel like the first move when emotions take over?

Social media (or the people on it) make us mad way too often.

One second you’re scrolling, the next you’re aggressively typing “Ok.” or “👍🏻”
to that message that just ruined your mood.

And instead of disconnecting, we do what every good Latino does when they’re mad:
We remove the profile picture.

It’s not just a mood; it’s a statement.

But let’s be real… staring at your phone, waiting for someone to notice,
only keeps you stuck in the cycle.

Ghost Mode changes that.

The second you pull the “disappearing” act, WhatsApp steps in.

Muting notifications, blocking impulsive messages, and forcing a real break.

So now, instead of drafting a long, dramatic message you’ll wish you never sent…

You’re actually cooling off.

For the times when you need to disappear for real… it’s time to go Ghost Mode.


Who needs a timer when you’ve got playlists?


Second chance for your ex? No. But for your gifts? Absolutely.